
The Horizon component serves as the web-based user interface for OpenStack, allowing users to interact with the cloud infrastructure.

By default, Horizon is configured to work out of the box with minimal changes needed. However, it can be extensively customized to fit the branding and requirements of your organization.

Deploying Horizon

If you make any changes to Horizon only and you want to deploy the Horizon changes only, you can run the following command:

ansible-playbook vexxhost.atmosphere.openstack -t horizon


To customize the logos used in the Horizon dashboard, you need to update the Horizon Helm values with your custom logo files. Follow the steps below:

        logo: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir ~ '/files/logo.svg') | b64encode }}"
        logo_splash: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir ~ '/files/logo-splash.svg') | b64encode }}"
        favicon: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir ~ '/files/favicon.svg') | b64encode }}"
    configmap_logo: true

It’s recommended that you use base64 encoded string for the values since the content of the files might contain special characters that could be wrongly handled by Helm, such as SVG files.