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Magnum cluster template labels are key-value pairs that are used to provide metadata and configuration information for Kubernetes clusters created through Magnum.

They can be used to define characteristics such as the operating system, networking settings, container runtime, Kubernetes version, or any other custom attributes relevant to the cluster deployment.


If you require your cluster to have the root filesystem on a volume, you can specify the volume size and type using the following labels:


The size in gigabytes of the boot volume. If you set this value, it will enable boot from volume. Default value: Unset


The volume type of the boot volume. Default value: Default volume


The size in gigabytes of the etcd volume. If you set this value, it will create a volume for etcd specifically and mount it on the system. Default value: Unset


The volume type of the etcd volume, this can be useful if you want to use an encrypted or high performance volume type. Default value: None


Volume labels cannot be changed once the cluster is deployed. However, you generally do not need a large boot volume since the root filesystem is only used for the operating system and container runtime.


The Cluster API driver for Magnum relies on specific container images for the deployment process.


The prefix of the container images to use for the cluster. Default value: None, defaults to upstream images.


The way containers talk to each other and the outside world is defined by the networking setup. This setup decides how information is shared among containers inside and outside the cluster, and is often accomplished by deploying a driver on each node.


IPv4 network in CIDR format. It refers to the IPv4 address pool used by the Calico network plugin for allocating IP addresses to pods in Kubernetes clusters. Default value:


IPv4 network in CIDR format. Defines the range of IP addresses allocated for Kubernetes services within clusters managed by Magnum. These IP addresses are used to expose and connect services. Default value:


  • audit_log_enabled

Enable audit logs for the cluster. The audit logs are stored in the /var/log/kubernetes/audit/kube-apiserver-audit.log file on the control plane hosts.

Default value: false

  • audit_log_maxage

The number of days to retain audit logs. This is only effective if the audit_log_enabled label is set to true.

Default value: 30

  • audit_log_maxbackup

The maximum number of audit log files to retain. This is only effective if the audit_log_enabled label is set to true.

Default value: 10

  • audit_log_maxsize

The maximum size in megabytes of the audit log file before it gets rotated. This is only effective if the audit_log_enabled label is set to true.

Default value: 100

Cloud Controller Manager

  • cloud_provider_tag

The tag to use for the OpenStack cloud controller provider when bootstrapping the cluster.

Default value: Automatically detected based on kube_tag label.

  • octavia_provider

The Octavia provider to configure for the load balancers created by the cluster.

Default value: amphora

  • octavia_lb_algorithm

The Octavia load balancer algorithm to configure for the load balancers created by the cluster (options are ROUND_ROBIN, LEAST_CONNECTIONS, SOURCE_IP & SOURCE_IP_PORT).

It's important to note that the OVN provider supports only the SOURCE_IP_PORT driver as part of it's limitations.

Default value (amphora provider): ROUND_ROBIN Default value (ovn provider): SOURCE_IP_PORT

Container Networking Interface (CNI)


  • calico_tag

The version of the Calico container image to use when bootstrapping the cluster.

Default value: v3.24.2

Container Storage Interface (CSI)


  • cinder_csi_plugin_tag

The version of the Cinder CSI container image to use when bootstrapping the cluster.

Default value: Automatically detected based on kube_tag label.


  • manila_csi_plugin_tag

The version of the Manila CSI container image to use when bootstrapping the cluster.

Default value: Automatically detected based on kube_tag label.

  • manila_csi_share_network_id

Manila share network ID.

Default value: None


  • api_server_cert_sans

Specify the additional Subject Alternative Names (SANs) for the Kubernetes API Server, separated by commas.

  • api_server_tls_cipher_suites

Specify the list of TLS cipher suites to use for the Kubernetes API server, separated by commas. If not specified, the default list of cipher suites will be used using the Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator.


  • auto_healing_enabled

Enable auto-healing for the cluster. This will automatically replace failed nodes in the cluster with new nodes (after 5 minutes of not being ready) and stops further remediation if more than 40% of the cluster is unhealthy.

Default value: true

  • auto_scaling_enabled

Enable auto-scaling for the cluster. This will automatically scale the cluster up and down based on the number of pods running in the cluster.

Default value: false

  • kubelet_tls_cipher_suites

Specify the list of TLS cipher suites to use in communication between the kubelet and applications, separated by commas. If not specified, the default list of cipher suites will be used.


  • kube_tag

The version of Kubernetes to use.

Default value: v1.25.3

  • master_lb_floating_ip_enabled

Attach a floating IP to the load balancer that fronts the Kubernetes API servers. In order to disable this, you must be running the magnum-cluster-api-proxy service on all your Neutron network nodes.

Default value: true


  • oidc_issuer_url

The URL of the OpenID issuer, only HTTPS scheme will be accepted. If set, it will be used to verify the OIDC JSON Web Token (JWT).

Default value: ``

  • oidc_client_id

The client ID for the OpenID Connect client, must be set if oidc_issuer_url is set.

Default value: ``

  • oidc_username_claim

The OpenID claim to use as the user name.

Default value: sub

  • oidc_username_prefix

If provided, all usernames will be prefixed with this value. If not provided, username claims other than 'email' are prefixed by the issuer URL to avoid clashes. To skip any prefixing, use the default value.

Default value: -

  • oidc_groups_claim

If provided, the name of a custom OpenID Connect claim for specifying user groups. The claim value is expected to be a string or array of strings.

Default value: ``

  • oidc_groups_prefix

If provided, all groups will be prefixed with this value to prevent conflicts with other authentication strategies.

Default value: ``


  • fixed_subnet_cidr

The CIDR of the fixed subnet to use for the cluster.

Default value:


availability_zone dns_cluster_domain calico_ipv4pool