Useful commands
Tracking cluster progress using clusterctl
If you'd like to track the progress of a specific cluster from the clusterctl
perspective, you can run the following command to find out the stack_id
of the
cluster and then use clusterctl describe
to get the status of the cluster:
$ export CLUSTER_ID=$(openstack coe cluster show <cluster-name> -f value -c stack_id)
$ watch -cn1 'clusterctl describe cluster -n magnum-system $CLUSTER_ID --grouping=false --color'
Cluster stuck in CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
With the Cluster API driver for Magnum, the cluster creation process is performed by the Cluster API for OpenStack. Due to the logic of how the controller managers work, the process of creating a cluster is performed in multiple steps and if a step fails, it will keep retrying until it succeeds.
Unlike the legacy Heat driver, the Cluster API driver for Magnum does not
move the state of the cluster to CREATE_FAILED
if a step fails. Instead,
it will keep the cluster in CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
state until the cluster is
successfully created or the cluster is deleted.
If you are experiencing issues with the cluster being stuck in CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
state, you can follow the steps below to troubleshoot the issue:
Check the
name from thestack_id
field in Magnum:$ openstack coe cluster show <cluster-name> -f value -c stack_id
Check if the
exists in the Kuberentes cluster using thestack_id
:$ kubectl -n magnum-system get clusters <stack-id>
If the cluster exists and it is in
state, you can skip to step 3. -
You will need to lookup the
for theCluster
:$ kubectl -n magnum-system get openstackclusters -l<stack-id>
If the
, you can skip to step 4. -
You will have to look at the
for theOpenStackCluster
:$ kubectl -n magnum-system get kubeadmcontrolplanes -l<stack-id>
If the number of
nodes does not match the number ofREPLICAS
, you will need to investigate if the instances are going up by looking at theOpenStackMachine
for theKubeadmControlPlane
:$ kubectl -n magnum-system describe openstackmachines -l,<stack-id>
From the output, you will need to look at the
field and see if any of the conditions areFalse
. If they are, you will need to look at theMessage
field to see what the error is.
Cluster stuck in DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
Project deleted
If you have a case where a project has been deleted from OpenStack but the cluster was not deleted, you will not be able to delete it even as an admin user. You will find log messages such as the following which will indicate that the project is missing:
E0705 17:11:00.333902 1 controller.go:326] "Reconciler error" err=<providerClient authentication err: Resource not found: [POST], error message: {"error":{"code":404,"message":"Could not find project: 1dfcc1f4399948baac7a83a6607f693c.","title":"Not Found"}}
In order to work around this issue, you will need to create a new project,
go into the database and update the id
of the new project to match the
of the cluster.
It is possible to corrupt the database if you do not know what you are doing. Please make sure you have a backup of the database before
Create a new project in OpenStack:
$ export NEW_PROJECT_ID=$(openstack project create cleanup-project -f value -c id)
Get the existing
of the cluster:$ export CURRENT_PROJECT_ID=$(openstack coe cluster show <cluster-name> -f value -c project_id)
Update the
of the project in Keystone to match theproject_id
of the cluster:$ mysql -B -N -u root -p -e "update project set id='$CURRENT_PROJECT_ID' where id='$NEW_PROJECT_ID';" keystone
If you're using Atmosphere, you can run the following:
$ kubectl -n openstack exec -it sts/percona-xtradb-pxc -- mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p$(kubectl -n openstack get secret/percona-xtradb -ojson | jq -r '.data.root' | base64 --decode) -e "update project set id='$CURRENT_PROJECT_ID' where id='$NEW_PROJECT_ID';" keystone
Verify that the project now exists under the new
:$ openstack project show $CURRENT_PROJECT_ID
Give access to your current admin user to the new project:
$ openstack role add --user $OS_USERNAME --project $CURRENT_PROJECT_ID member
Switch to the context of that user
Create a new set of application credentials and update the existing
secret for the cluster$ export CAPI_CLUSTER_NAME=$(openstack coe cluster show tst1-useg-k8s-1 -f value -c stack_id) $ export EXISTING_APPCRED_ID=$(kubectl -n magnum-system get secret/$CAPI_CLUSTER_NAME-cloud-config -ojson | jq -r '.data."clouds.yaml"' | base64 --decode | grep application_credential_id | awk '{print $2}') $ export EXISTING_APPCRED_SECRET=$(kubectl -n magnum-system get secret/$CAPI_CLUSTER_NAME-cloud-config -ojson | jq -r '.data."clouds.yaml"' | base64 --decode | grep application_credential_secret | awk '{print $2}') $ export NEW_APPCRED_ID=$(openstack application credential create --secret $EXISTING_APPCRED_SECRET $CAPI_CLUSTER_NAME-cleanup -f value -c id) $ > /tmp/clouds.yaml $ kubectl -n magnum-system patch secret/$CAPI_CLUSTER_NAME-cloud-config -p '{"data":{"clouds.yaml":"'$(kubectl -n magnum-system get secret/$CAPI_CLUSTER_NAME-cloud-config -ojson | jq -r '.data."clouds.yaml"' | base64 --decode | sed "s/$EXISTING_APPCRED_ID/$NEW_APPCRED_ID/" | base64 --wrap=0)'"}}'
At this point, the cluster should start progressing on the deletion process, you can verify this by running:
$ kubectl -n capo-system logs deploy/capo-controller-manager -f
Once the cluster is gone, you can clean up the project:
$ openstack project delete $CURRENT_PROJECT_ID